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Vessels of Honor 2025

The goal of the conference is to see believers yield themselves as vessels available to God, sanctified and pure, prepared for the Master’s use. The theme of the Vessels of Honor 2024 conference is “Are you helping to strengthen your local church to do good work?" Nehemiah 2 tells us "...they strengthened their hands for the good work," which is a challenge just as valuable today as it was then. The conference is for young adults, minimum age of 18, and is scheduled for Memorial Day weekend, May 24-27, 2024.


Christian: Title or Identity

Theme verse 1:23 "Lorem ipsum delor sit amet"

OUR 2025

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Ali Farhadi

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Steve Price

 Vessels 2025 Location

Calvary University

for the fifth consecutive year, we will be borrowing the Belton Campus of Calvary University for the weekend. Just south of the Kansas City metro, Calvary offers dining, lodging, and an array of options for lectures, worship, prayer, athletics and fellowship. 

Check-in starts at 4:30 on Friday. Please be sure to bring your own bedding, since those are not included. All rooms are double occupancy with two twin beds, and each room has its own bathroom. 

 Vessels 2025

Seminar Speakers

Every year at Vessels, a team of seminar speakers presents on a range of topics to share what the Lord has put on their hearts for the next generation of believers. Each seminar is given twice to allow for the maximum number of attendees, while still maintaining a classroom-like dynamic. Be sure to mark your choices in your registration forms!

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Communicating Christ to Children

Amy Price

Do you work with children at your local church? Have you ever felt overwhelmed by time-constraints, curriculum, or keeping the attention of your students?
In this seminar, we will talk about bringing big biblical concepts to children. We will discuss practical and applicable ways you can talk about Christ in a way that children will understand and leave them wanting to learn more.

Amy Price lives in Kansas City with her husband, Grayson, and daughter Daisy. She has always loved working with children. She has a masters degree in education and has worked in public schools for 8 years as a para-educator and a teacher. Amy and Grayson are co-directors of their church’s children’s ministry, Pathways.

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Discipling New Converts

Warren Henderson

This seminar reviews practical ways of discipling new converts and seeing them come into a NT-patterned local church fellowship. What are the biblical goals in discipling new converts? How can we encourage their involvement in church body-life? What should babes in Christ be taught and in what order to promote steady and consistent spiritual growth.

Warren Henderson was an aerospace engineer, and now serves the Lord with his wife Brenda in “full time” ministry in Stevensville, MT. Warren and Brenda are commended by Believer’s Bible Chapel in Rockford, IL. They have four children and four grandchildren. Warren is an itinerant Bible teacher and is involved in writing, evangelism, and church planting. He has authored a number of books including an Old Testament Devotional Commentary.

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In His Image...for Her

Susie Sullivan

The One who is altogether lovely wants you and I to reflect His image. In this is the key to finding "that good, acceptable and perfect will of God" for your life. During this seminar we will explore the ways that God has specifically equipped us to reflect Him in our day to day lives as women.

Susie served as a professor of education at Emmaus Bible College for thirteen years, where it was her privilege to train teachers to be lights for the Lord in the classroom setting. Prior to this, she enjoyed teaching 2nd and 3rd grade in the Pennsylvania public school system for nearly a decade.

Raised in a home that was centered on the Word of God, Susie was exposed to the Gospel often and came to know the Lord as her Savior at an early age. She put her trust in Christ out of fear of a lost eternity but came to find the day-to-day presence of the Lord in her life to be the most precious result of her salvation. Her walk with the Lord was greatly influenced through her involvement with camp, as both a camper and later working on summer staff and as a girl’s camp Bible teacher.

In 2019, Susie married the love of her life, and moved from Iowa to Yonkers, New York. She and Rob are in happy fellowship at Bethany Chapel, where Rob is an elder.

Susie loves trying new recipes, getting lost in a good book, and working in the garden. She hopes to someday write a children’s book about the adventures of her beloved teddy bear, Cuddly Bear.

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Invest for Eternity

Rob Sullivan

During this seminar we will take a look at the parable of the unjust steward and see how to lay up treasures in heaven. The text of Luke 16 discusses four heavenly “treasury-bills” and gives rise to four spiritual “stocks” that we are to invest in. In this is the key to a life well spent and one that finds that “good, acceptable, and perfect, will of God” for you.

Rob was born in Yonkers, New York. At the age of 11, he came to know Christ as his Savior while attending Daily Vacation Bible School at Bethany Chapel in Yonkers. Shortly thereafter, he joined the meeting and has been in fellowship ever since.

Rob is a graduate of Emmaus Bible College (Biblical Studies) and the University of Notre Dame (Finance and Business Economics as well as Aerospace Engineering). From 1996 through 2014, he worked at Morgan Stanley, achieving the title of Executive Director. He also served as liaison for the firm with the United States Marine Corps and its economic development programs in Iraq. Rob left Morgan Stanley at the end of 2014, to join the staff of Legacy Ministry Services. He is the President and CEO of this ministry.

Rob is also the Board President for CMML, Board Chairman of Associates for Biblical Research, which runs archeological digs in Israel, proving the reliability of Scripture, and Board Chairman of School Ministries, Inc, which focuses on sharing the Gospel with public school students.

In 2019, Rob married Susie Henderson, the daughter of Donald and Connie Henderson of Dover, Pennsylvania. Prior to their marriage Susie was a professor of elementary education at Emmaus Bible College. Rob and Susie currently reside in Yonkers, New York. They are in fellowship at Bethany Chapel where Rob serves as an elder.

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Let Me Be a Woman: Embracing God’s Role for Women in the Church and the World

Anne Moffitt

The female and her God-given roles are under attack in both the world and the church today. What does God say about who a woman is and what He expects of her? We will start by looking at the first woman God created and then move into the New Testament to see the character traits and lifestyle that God calls women to embrace in order to bring glory to Him. We will specifically discuss being a single woman in the local church, the home, the university, and the workplace.

Anne Moffitt put her trust in the Lord Jesus Christ as her Savior when she was six years old. She attends East Tulsa Bible Chapel in Tulsa, OK, and enjoys teaching the middle school girls Sunday School class. She is currently working on her PhD in Early Childhood Education at the University of Oklahoma, doing research on the development of early science skills in Native American settings, and helping develop undergraduate science methods classes.

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Session 1: What are these Spiritual Gift Things

Dave Dillon

“Now concerning spiritual gifts, brethren, I would not have you ignorant.” (1 Cor 12:1 – KJV). Spiritual Gifts have been a source of confusion and error since the beginning of the church. Today there is no shortage of differing views on what spiritual gifts are, what they are for, and who can or cannot have certain gifts. This seminar will focus on a series of fundamental questions. What are Spiritual Gifts? How do Spiritual Gifts differ from Talents and Skills? Who has Spiritual Gifts? Are there any gender or age restrictions on Spiritual Gifts? Can you have more than one Spiritual Gift? Can your gifts change over time? What is the purpose of Spiritual Gifts? Are Spiritual Gifts still a thing for the Church today?

Dave Dillon was born and raised in Charleston, West Virginia. He heard the gospel from an early age and was saved before leaving home for college. Dave graduated from the Air Force Academy and works in the Defense sector specializing in satellite communications. Today he resides in Colorado Springs with his wife, Kim, and their two youngest children. They attend Northeast Bible Chapel where they are active in many areas of ministry.

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Session 2: How can I use my Spiritual Gifts?

Dave Dillon

One of the biggest challenges for new believers and/or younger believers is in figuring out how they can fit into their local church. Scripture is very clear in teaching that all believers have a role to play within the local church, and Spiritual Gifts can help in finding and filing that role. This session will focus on the following questions. What does scripture teach about how Spiritual Gifts should be exercised? How do the various Spiritual Gifts fit together to accomplish the will of God? Are there any downsides or dangers in exercising Spiritual Gifts? How can I learn what Spiritual Gifts I have? What does Paul mean in 1 Cor 12:31 to “covet earnestly the best gifts…”? (KJV)

Dave Dillon was born and raised in Charleston, West Virginia. He heard the gospel from an early age and was saved before leaving home for college. Dave graduated from the Air Force Academy and works in the Defense sector specializing in satellite communications. Today he resides in Colorado Springs with his wife, Kim, and their two youngest children. They attend Northeast Bible Chapel where they are active in many areas of ministry.

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Women of the Word

Hannah Kratzer

How do the stories of women in the Bible relate to and apply to women today? This seminar will take a look at several women from the Word. From their stories we can glean application for our daily lives and how this impacts our work in our local church.

Hannah Kratzer is wife to Scott, and mom to four daughters ages 8-14. She has been involved in various ministries both inside and outside of her local church. Over the past several years, Hannah has seen God's faithfulness in her own life to develop an identity rooted in Him. This has developed in herself a special appreciation and joy for encouraging other women in their walks with Jesus.

 Vessels 2025

Seminar Schedule

Vessels moves awfully quick! Explore and download our schedule to make sure you don't miss anything. If you have any questions or are looking for any details, send us a message on Facebook. See you on campus!

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